From the founder:

Jill Batiansila

I’m Jill Batiansila. I’m the founder of Together We Heal Community. I would never have guessed I’d be doing this as my life’s purpose. All my life I had a “death complex”. I couldn’t talk about it, think about it or plan for it. When I was a toddler, my biological father died in a plane crash. My mother was just 24 years old. The loss of my father was and always will be part of my identity. When I was young, I felt different. But also, I felt scared. I was scared about death and who would be next. I had and still occasionally have irrational fears about my loved ones dying. I refused to think about the possibility…but the reality is, death is part of life.

 God set it on my heart to start this organization about 5 years ago, and it has transformed my life. He said, “Now you’re going to use your pain for a purpose”. I didn’t know what that really entailed, and that’s probably a good thing, because this is hard. But it’s the most fulfilling feeling to know I’m helping just one person.

I could have never imagined all the people who have come to be a part of TWHC. I am blessed every day to be able to serve in this capacity with them, for a community of grievers. 

You see, God weaved all my life experiences together to bring me here, to this very spot. For the very big purpose of serving others.

Today, we have a team of hard-working, devoted volunteers who help me grow flowers to give away each year. We have a nonprofit that provides resources and support for grievers. We have workshops that provide unique opportunities to access our deep emotions and work toward healing. We are building new connections every day to bring more resources for you.

Meet The team that Made this resource possible

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My name is Elisa.  I am an Elk Grove mom of three.  I work part- time as a social worker and counselor, focusing mostly on young children who have experienced loss and/or trauma.  For many years I worked with children in the foster care system who had been removed from their birth parents, and learned firsthand about loss.  Now in private practice I also work with children of divorce, those grieving a death, and those struggling with mental health issues that result in loss of jobs and relationships.  Loss seems to come to us from so many sources. We experience this loss uniquely and individually, yet there is also something universal about it that binds us all together.

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My name is Kristin Rose. I live in Elk Grove with my husband and two children. I have been a real estate agent since 2002 with Lyon Real Estate. When I was approached about contributing to this website, I was hesitant at first, but I realized we all have faced grief in various forms and if any research I can contribute can help others in need, I’m all in. Grief is something none of us can avoid, but if we can feel that we are not alone, that is the first step in being able to heal.


I live in Elk Grove, California with my husband and our two boys. I am a school psychologist who also has a passion for learning, people, and travel. My first experience with loss came to me at age 30. I lost my mother to pancreatic cancer shortly after I was married and just before finding out I was pregnant with my first child. Although I am very thankful for the years that I had with my mother, her death came at a time when a daughter really needs her own mother. It was a shock to my system that I still relive at moments in my life years later. However, I am so grateful that I was able to use resources that were available to me to navigate my journey of grief and loss. My faith, family, friends, and some wonderful therapists gave me hope, peace, and comfort to see the joy in life. My hope is to give others the gift of resources on their own journey through loss.